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Toria Small Wins Central Bank of Barbados Economics Scholarship

A former Barbados Exhibition winner was awarded the Central Bank of Barbados/UWI Cave Hill Campus scholarship for excelling in her studies.

Toria Small, a second-year student pursuing a B.SC. in Economics and Math, won the $12,000 award and the opportunity to intern at the Bank in the summer.

“I have been in slight disbelief…. Despite being initially intimidated, I feel absolutely honoured,” Small said after receiving her prize at UWI recently.

She will use the prize monies to fund her studies, to cover medical expenses, and to finance her Master’s Degree.

Small credits hard work and determination as well as her teachers at her alma mater, Queen’s College, for her success. “Having teachers that inspired me, believed in me and pushed me was critical at that point of my academic life,” she commented.

She advises scholarship aspirants to persevere, acquire study habits that work for them, and “stick to them”.

Well done, Toria.